How to Use Composition and Cues to Guide the Player
The Acagamic Tip Tuesday #02

Welcome to the 1st issue of The Acagamic Tip Tuesday.
Each Tuesday, I will send you a tip from the world of UX Research & Design for games. At my website The Acagamic, I focus on training people to become better researchers and designers for games and beyond.
Each tip will take less than 3 minutes to read.
Game UX Tip of the Week:
Use artistic composition and environmental cues to guide players smoothly through your game.
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the Level Designers use painted areas to guide the player along walls and through the jungle.
Bonus Video
We still have GUR Book Webinar Tickets on Sale
Join us on February 18, 2022, for a webinar on Bias and Validity in UX Research. @Pejman_MB, @andersdrachen, and @acagamic will host. #webinar #ux #grux #gurbook #gamesur #research #bias #validity #gameux
— The Games User Research Book & Podcast (@GamesURbook) January 6, 2022